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Our Mission
To support, teach, and inspire musicians and music educators.
Our Vision
To be the trusted resource supporting all musicians on their journey.
A Brief History
A Passion for Music Since 1948
Marshall Music was founded by Willis and Mary Marshall in Lansing, Michigan in 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall grew their business with a single-minded focus on quality and service, attracting employees that shared their enthusiasm for new ideas and innovative programs to spread the joy of music making. Their son, Dan Marshall, began working in the family business in 1984 and became president and CEO of the company soon after. The third generation of company leadership is taking shape with Jimmy Edwards having recently been named president of what is now the 17th largest music retailer in the country.
Today, our company embodies the motto "A Passion For Music Since 1948." We have four locations throughout Michigan and over 150 employees. Our staff includes a team of dedicated school service representatives who visit over 700 schools weekly, as well as more than 20 professional instrument technicians who handle the repair of brass, woodwind, and string instruments. In addition to our School Service Department, we are also a full-service music store offering an extensive array of instruments and accessories to schools and musicians of all abilities. Our guitar and amplifier department is ready to accommodate musicians of all types. Our School of Music can be found at most Marshall Music locations and provides in-person and virtual lessons to hundreds of students every week.
Our dedication to school and customer service has brought not just satisfaction, but a string of awards and accolades over the years. As we continue to move forward, we are ever mindful that we are building on the hard work and innovation that began with Willis and Mary Marshall in 1948.